Cannabis can theoretically be stored for years in a dry state, but for connoisseurs it is crucial to preserve the psychoactive THC compounds in the buds. THC dissipates over time, especially when exposed to sunlight and air. To prevent this and to ensure that your cannabis remains comfortable while smoking, you should keep the following points in mind:
Dos and don’ts when storing weed
- Store your buds in a light-protected room at temperatures of around 20 ° C and 58% humidity
– Never in the fridge
– Never in a plastic bag
– Never in a glass jar - Ideally, the entire container is protected from light, as the weed is permanently exposed to light when using conventional canning jars
- Keep the humidity constant at 58% via Boveda Humidity Pads
- Always make sure to close the lid of the container immediately after use
- Don’t show off your buds and only show them to selected people
- Do not compress your weed in the container but give it “room to breathe”